THIS Chinese influencer has a weekly salary of $14 million

Zheng Xiang Xiang, a Chinese live streamer who makes an incredible $14 million a week, is well-known for taking an unusual approach to online product promotion. Zheng takes a different approach than many influencers, who spend hours explaining and going into detail about the products they endorse. Instead, she only gives each product three seconds of attention before moving on.

Zheng, a well-known person in the influencer community, is an expert at quickly promoting products. She casually shows off a wide range of objects in her quick live sessions, from cameras to period pads to jackets and brooms. Her ability to present each product quickly and effectively is the secret to her success.

An assistant hands Zheng an orange box containing the products during one of her live streams. In milliseconds, Zheng picks up each item, shows it to the camera for a brief moment, states its price, and then throws it away. For each product, the entire process takes only three seconds.

Sales of the products Zheng promotes soar in spite of the short exposure period. It’s similar to a buzzer-beater situation in which viewers have to decide fast whether or not to buy a product based on a brief glimpse. Zheng made over $14 million in a week thanks to her amazing ability to captivate an audience in a matter of seconds.

This unconventional approach challenges the traditional norms of influencer marketing, showcasing the evolving dynamics of online commerce and the immense impact of brief, attention-grabbing moments in the digital realm. Zheng Xiang Xiang’s success serves as a testament to the power of speed and efficiency in the fast-paced world of online product promotion.

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