Johnny Depp pictures from his teens till

Johnny Depp’s Younger Hollywood Years: Photos Of The Star In From His Teens To Now

Johnny Depp turns 58 in 2021 (June 9, FYI). While the actor is going through the last part of his life.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp in 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' in 1984. He was 21 at the time of filming. His death remains one of the most iconic kills in franchise history.

Johnny Depp in ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’

Johnny Depp in ‘Private Resort’

Johnny Depp in ’21 Jump Street’

Johnny Depp & Winona Ryder hold hands

Johnny Depp in ‘Edward Scissorhands’

Johnny Depp in ‘Cry Baby’

Johnny Depp in ‘Benny & Joon’

Johnny Depp in ‘Ed Wood’

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