James Caan, a renowned actor who was most known for his roles in The Godfather, Misery, and Elf, among other films, passed away on July 6 at the age of 82.
James Caan Birthday: March 26, 1940 (Aries)
Born In: Bronx, New York, United States
james Caan Spouse-: Jelena Ristić
James Caan Father: Arthur Caan
James Caan Mother: Sophie Caan
James Caan Children: Alexander James Caan, Jacob Nicholas Caan, James Arthur Caan, Scott Caan, Tara A. Caan
James Caan Height: 5'9" (175 cm), 5'9" Males
Notable Alumni: Neighborhood Playhouse School Of The Theatre
James Caan Ancestry: German American
James Caan Born City: Bronx, New York
James Caan Is Founder/Co-Founder: Humana International, Recruitment International, Alexander Mann Group, Hamilton Bradshaw